Nearly two (02) years ago, the Mozilla Philippines Community launched “Alab” as our official mascot during the release party for Mozilla Firefox 4 in Manila.
“Alab” is the Tagalog term for “Flare“, which can simply be translated to “Blaze Up!”

A meeting of minds (via email) between the Mozilla Philippines Community (represented by Reps Mentors Eusebio “Jun” Barrun, Jr. & Robert “Bob” Reyes) and the creator of Alab happened a few weeks ago (followed by a face-to-face meetup) with the idea of re-launching the mascot. As a result, we are honored and proud to introduce the new Alab:

This is just the start. Expect more from “Alab” in the coming weeks.
Alab was created by comic artist Martin Jimenez. The uber-cute mascot is wearing the salakot, a traditional Filipino hat, and a traditional scarf. The look is very reminiscent of Katipuneros, revolutionary Filipino freedom fighters in the 19th century. This is a nice touch, since Mozilla’s mission is to “promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web.”
Martin B. Jimenez is a proud graduate of the Philippine Women’s University (PWU). He is a Game Designer and Account Executive at Komikasi Enterprise for 3 years now. Being an avid gamer himself, Martin designed the mobile game “Starstruck“.
![Martin, Bob, & Jun (not in photo) discuss the New Alab over coffee somewhere in Makati 27 Feb 2013. [Photo take from MozillaPH Community Manager Eusebio "Jun" Barrun's Facebook page]](