The Mozilla Philippines Dev Team held its second planning event last May 25, 2013. Our aim for the event was to plan future events focused on Firefox OS apps development and recruit more developers that can contribute on the team and other developers that are willing to port their existing apps from Android, IOS and Blackberry to Firefox OS platform.

Some of the attendees are not yet that familiar with Firefox OS but had already developed android and ios applications. So we did a short demo via the simulator and the keon device.

We also discussed on what will be our approach for non developers who are interested how the Firefox OS works and how can they contribute.
We did recruit new volunteers and developers during the event.
The highlight of the event was during the discussion part done by one of the ReMo in the PHL, Aaron Cajes.
There was a short “hackaton” demo on how to push a simple app on the keon and some of the Do’s and Don’t’s while developing an app. Everyone was so attentive during his talk.