The Mozilla Philippines Community is honored and proud to play host for a MozCoffee with no less than Mozilla’s Jet Villegas (Rendering Team) in attendance. Jet is a Senior Engineering Manager at Mozilla San Francisco and is proudly Pinoy! He actually just landed in Manila (MNL) some 14 hours before the meetup.

The MozCoffee session held at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (CBTL) Prism Plaza at Two E-Com Center, Mall of Asia Complex was well attended by Mozilla Reps (ReMo) and Firefox Student Ambassadors (FSA) from Metro Manila and Laguna.

After introducing the PHL team to Jet, he started telling his story … during the times he was still connected with Macromedia (which was later acquired by Adobe) and how he landed at Mozilla a few years ago.
I personally checked the list of attendees to the Mozilla Summit in California and never had it slipped in my mind that he is Pinoy!

I told Jet that the local Mozilla Community is always thrilled and amazed every time that we will meet a Mozilla employee, and the excitement is doubled in this MozCoffee session knowing that we will be together with someone working for Mozilla and is originally from the country — how awesome that could be?!
On behalf of the Mozilla Philippines Community, our sincerest thanks to Jet (and his brother for driving him to the meetup venue) for accepting our invite to be at the MozCoffee session. We learned a lot from him and we are hopeful that he will be able to recruit someone local for his team very soon.
The rest of the photos taken during the MozCoffee are here.

i missed this event. hope there will be a 2nd round.. happy holidays to all!!