I invited four of my blogger friends (it is in blogging where our friendship started), all seasoned and respected bloggers in their own fields, to be our resource speakers for the event.
Giancarlo Viterbo of Gadget Pilipinas (blogging since 2008) gave a talk on “10 Things You Should Do After Installing WordPress.” Gian’s talk covered the necessary steps a newbie (or even seasoned) blogger “must do” to secure his/her newly installed blog.
Azrael Coladilla of Azrael’s Merryland (blogging since 2003 — same year I started blogging) talked about “Using Blogger.com as your Website & Blog.”
Jonel Uy of Seats for Two (blogger since 2008) discussed “Social Media Consulting as a Career.”
Aileen “Yen” Dreyfus, The Tummy Traveler (blogging since 2011) gave an awesome talk about “Better Blogging & Being Social.”
The MozillaPH Community would like to thank Globe Labs for generously accommodating our team and event participants at the Globe Corporate Showroom at the Valero Telepark in Makati City.
Close to a hundred attended the event, which is just the first of the Social Media Series from the Mozilla Philippines Community. Coming this March: Social Media Series dedicated to all women (in celebration of Women’s Month). Photos taken during the event are here.