Earlier today, a consultative meeting among members of the soon-to-be established MozillaPH Social Media and Marketing Teams was held at the Mozilla Community Space Manila (MozSpaceMNL) in Makati City. The meeting was also attended by social media, marketing and search engine optimization practitioners, as well as members from the academe. Some of the local Mozilla Reps and Firefox Student Ambassadors were also present at the meeting.

Social Media is increasingly touted as a crucial part of the marketing mix, but things can go terribly wrong if campaigns are poorly executed. MozillaPH is looking for Pinoy Mozillians passionate about Social Media and the Open Web.
The meeting was called for to find solutions to the following:
- How to increase the number of MozillaPH social media followers?
- How to effectively monitor social media interactions?
- To establish clear metrics on impact of social media to MozillaPH.
- To establish the core team members of the MozillaPH Social Media & Marketing Teams.
Based on the discussions during the meeting, we came to realize the following:
- Social Media Best Practices include:
- Creating a campaign.
- Identifying the target audience (market for the campaign)
- Find a reinforcement.
- Measurement of a Campaign’s success depend on:
- The campaign itself.
- Feedback from the target audience (could be event attendees).
- Conversion in numbers (actual number of attendees in an event; actual number people reached by the campaign).
- Check on Facebook, Twitter stats.
Now, next steps for MozillaPH:
- Establish the core members of the Social Media Team.
- Create a Social Media Plan for MozillaPH.
- Integrate Firefox Friends to the Social Media Plan.
- Campaign to have more followers in the Social Media accounts of MozillaPH.