Mozilla Philippines – Northern Mindanao held an in-community localization challenge (L10n Rush) recently. The volunteer who gets to submit the most suggestions and translation proposals to the Tagalog localization for Firefox will receive a prize.
Nik Cyrell Yabo emerged as the top contributor to the month-long localization challenge which ran from March until April 2019. Nik is a new volunteer for Northern Mindanao. He was a graduate of BS Computer Engineering at the University of Science and Technology (USTP), and is currently working as a Web Developer and Graphics Designer for a local startup called Contenting.
Nik received a Rust custom stainless spill-proof mug, and stickers from Romar Mayer Micabalo, Mozilla Philippines’ newly-appointed Regional Coordinator for Northern Mindanao.
Mozilla Philippines – Northern Mindanao (MozillaPH-NorthMin) is one of the regional chapters of Mozilla Philippines to coordinate its efforts in educating and building communities around Mozilla projects.
Mozilla project volunteers use Pontoon to perform and review tasks for Mozilla projects being built around the world.