Firefox Localization News

Tagalog Lands in Firefox for Android Beta

If you are using the Beta edition of Firefox for Android, we have awesome news for you: Tagalog is now part of the language options in the Beta edition of the mobile browser. In September 2020, the Mozilla Philippines Community (MozillaPH) kicked-off the localization efforts to have the Tagalog language option in the mobile version of our favorite web browser. In just within five (05) months, through the teamwork of Pinoy Mozillian Localizers, Tagalog is now available in the Beta… Read the rest
Firefox Localization

MozillaPH Kicks-Off Cebuano & Hiligaynon Firefox Localization

Mabuhay, Pinoy & Pinay Mozillians! Kamusta kayo? The Mozilla Philippines Community (MozillaPH) is happy and proud to announce the commencement of localization efforts in Cebuano and Hiligaynon. To kick things off, both languages will start the localization of Firefox for Android via Pontoon. Cebuano Mozilla L10n Cebuano (ceb) is widely spoken in the southern Philippines with more than 19 million native speakers as of 2010. The MozillaPH localization efforts for Cebuano will be led by MozillaPH Regional Coordinator for Northern… Read the rest
Creatives Developer Events Firefox Localization News Rust

MozillaPH Office Hours is Back

Mabuhay, Pinoy Mozillians! Hope you are doing fine amidst the on-going pandemic. We are happy to announce the return of MozillaPH Office Hours starting this month. Beginning 10 February 2021, from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM (GMT+8) every Wednesday, the leadership of the Mozilla Philippines Community will be online to answer questions and help you participate in Mozilla projects: Firefox Web Browser Firefox Dev ToolsFirefox FocusFirefox LockwiseFirefox MonitorFirefox RelayLocalizationMozilla (General Topics)Mozilla BrandingMozilla Support (SuMo)Rust (Programming Language)Thunderbird How to Join? You… Read the rest

MozillaPH Community Survey 2021

At the beginning of this year, we conducted an anonymous survey among members of the community. As promised, here are the results of the said survey. A total of 54 respondents participated in the online survey created using the good old Google Forms. Here’s what we found out about the composition of our local community: From where are Pinoy Mozillians? 96.3% of survey respondents are Filipino.37% are from Luzon (but outside of Metro Manila).24.1% are from Metro Manila.18.5% are from… Read the rest
Firefox Localization News

MozillaPH L10n Team Moves to Matrix from Slack; Firefox for Android Tagalog L10n Kicks Off

In May 2019, the Mozilla Philippines Community (MozillaPH) Localization (L10n) Team experimented in holding its monthly meeting to Slack — no audio nor video; only text-based chat. And we found out that this is effective, especially that a decent Internet connection is something that we all can only aspire if you’re based in the Philippines. The experiment was initiated to give people who wish to be part of the MozillaPH localization efforts to participate better even if Internet connectivity is… Read the rest

MozillaPH Statement of Support to NPC

The Mozilla Philippines Community (MozillaPH) supports the stand of the National Privacy Commission (NPC) amidst call from several business groups recommending the suspension of the Data Privacy Act to curb COVID-19 transmission. We firmly believe that our laws have enough provisions to allow the government to effectively conduct contact tracing, treat patients, and face this threat while securing the personal data and dignity of the Filipino people. As a community guided by the Mozilla Manifesto, we put people first. We… Read the rest